This week the "Polar Vortex" made it's way all the way to the perma-summer state of Florida-- resulting in 24 hours of almost freezing temperatures and one fully sick family. If you know me, you know I live for the cold weather. I was so excited to head out with my family and enjoy the chilly weather. I even had an entire Disney day planned-- complete with layers upon layers of clothes and drinking hot chocolate while strolling through "Italy" and "France."
My body, however, had a different idea.
Apparently, after 8.5 years of living in this climate, my body is no longer equipped to handle a dip in the temperature below 50 degrees. I didn't even get to enjoy my burst of cool weather-- instead, I woke up with the worst cold without even taking a step outside. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one with the cold-- my husband and daughter were hit as well.
Now, back B.C. (Before Children), a bad cold meant a day off work, snuggled under the covers with a pack of DayQuil and "The OC: The Complete First Season" on DVD. Not the case anymore. There's no "calling in sick" when you're a mommy.
For starters, babies don't really understand sick days. Our baby girl was feeling under the weather as well-- and since the only way she knows how to communicate is through crying, it was a day full of tears. Which is heartbreaking. And exhausting. And only worsens you're already brain-splitting headache.
Also, if you're breastfeeding you really can't take much to help you feel better. Gone are the days of poppin' any and all pain relievers to temporarily take away your splitting headache and runny nose. Instead, you're forced to hit the 'net to find out what is "safe" for you to consume.
Wanna know what pops up first when you type "what is safe to take for a cold while breastfeeding" in to your favorite search engine?
Get lots of rest and take a hot bath.
I honestly almost spit out my delicious concoction of raspberry flavored "Emergen-C." Thanks for the help Google. I don't know about you but the last time I enjoyed a hot bath was pre-pregnancy. And rest? Good joke.
So, I skipped over Google's excellent options and went with the my tried and true form of post-baby pain relief: slathering on Sombra: Cool Relief Natural Pain Relieving Gel basically 24/7, taking 2 tablets of Tylenol, drinking 10 bottles of water, and inhaling a pack of Emergen-C every 12 hours. Luckily, after precisely 7 hours of glorious "rest" last night, I woke up feeling almost myself again... and just in the nick of time because Miss Lacey just took her real "crawls" and I need to get to baby proofing!
Do you have any "feel better quick" tips? Any ideas for quick and painless baby proofing? Feel free to leave a comment! :)
See you real soon!
Lacey's mama
My sick baby girl. :(
ccfc xccdrfdr <<Lacey's daily blog post
Great post! Love your writing :)
ReplyDeleteOn a side note I really resonated with the part about watching the first season of the OC. I had a really bad flu in high school and somehow ended up watching the entire thing over the course of 2 day. Don't tell anyone though lol.
Can't wait to keep reading!!!