The last week has been nothing short of exhausting. I thought we were done with this cold but that was so far from the case. As my husband and I started to get better, Lacey started to get worse. Her nose switched back and forth between being stuffed one minute-- and dripping the next. She'd have to interrupt her nursing sessions every couple of seconds, only to come up gasping for air. She was coughing, crying, and miserable. And by Friday night, she was starting to throw up. After an emergency weekend call to the on-call pediatrician, we were given the advice that parents everywhere dread: there's nothing we can do but to "wait it out and keep her hydrated."
On top of the vomiting, there was the poop situation. At first, there was no poop at all. For several days. And then... it came. Like a wrecccccking ball. Nonstop. Saturday was spent changing what felt like a record number of diapers: 14 poopy, smelly diapers in a matter of 9 hours. (Yes, I kept track). What a crappy day that was (pun intended!). Pretty hard to keep a baby hydrated when she's puking and pooping around the clock-- but we did it. By Sunday night, everything was finally starting to pass (again).
Throughout all of this, showering was (once again) placed at the bottom on my list of priorities. Sunday night marked Day 4 of "The Shower Draught"-- and I was covered in every type of bodily fluids imaginable. And then it happened. My nose started to run. The coughing returned.
I had managed to get sick again.
That's the problem with dealing with sicknesses in a family-- it's all too easy to pass the germs around again and again... and again. Especially when you're too caught up taking care of your little one to remember to take care of yourself.
Monday came, bright and early, and all I have to say is: Thank God for husbands. Over the next two days, Ross took over the daily Lacey activities and left me quarantined in our bed-- hoping to stop this cycle of sickness once and for all. We disinfected our apartment from top to bottom-- and after one last head-splitting, tear-causing migraine at 4 A.M. last night (again, thank God for hubbys who calm the crying baby while mommy stands under the scolding hot shower until every last drop of warm water drips); I'm truly praying that this is behind us.
And now we deal with the post-sickness apocalypse of an apartment we are calling "home." Seeing as someone in our house has literally been sick every day since we got back from Phoenix-- on January 1st(!)-- we've got more than a bit of housework to tackle. I literally still have suitcases left to unpack! And approximately 15 loads of laundry to do. It's so bad that I had to do an emergency load of laundry just so we had underoos to wear. It's seriously pathetic.
So, that's our week. We made it through! And we had some pretty exciting developments with our baby girl-- but I'll save those for another day. For now, hope all of you who have been sick (like, the entire country) are starting to get better and able to enjoy some slightly warmer weather. I know we're excited to venture back out into the outside world!
See you real soon,
Lacey's mama
Your Daily Dose of Lace:

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