My husband accuses me of having the worst case of "mommy brain" known to mankind. He's right.
I'll swear up and down that I used to be intelligent. I graduated from The University of Central Florida with a degree in Elementary Education and a 3.83 GPA. I could hold a conversation. Write a paper. Complete a simple division problem without the use of a calculator. Then, I got pregnant.
Immediately, my brain turned to complete and utter mush. I was a 3rd grade teacher at the time and sometimes I swore my students were smarter than me. Every day felt like a failing episode of "Are You Smarter than a
It didn't.
It actually got worse. Much worse.
Suddenly I found myself stumbling to put together 3 words to create the bare minimal of a sentence. My brain was so encompassed by keeping my little girl alive and happy, that my wits went right out the window.
This is one of the reasons why I decided to start a blog. I'm a stay at home mommy who spends her days singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" to someone who has no idea whether or not I'm singing the right lyrics. I can stumble over every word in Dr. Seuss' "ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book" (Hey, those words are tricky!) and Lacey's none the wiser. I needed a reason to up my intelligence ante. Enter: blog.
You could also say that blogs have begun to be somewhat of a family business. Both of my sister's have amazing blogs that center around their passions (& fashions!).
(WARNING: Shameless plugs below!)
I mentioned yesterday that my younger sister, Allie, was the one to finally persuade me to start my blog (so if this blog sucks, and you absolutely hate it-- feel free to place the blame on her. :-P ). Well, she happens to run a not-at-all sucky fashion blog over at Luna Vida. It's actually way more than not-sucky. In my completely unbiased opinion, it's the best fashion blog I've read. She focuses not only on finding cute and creative outfits-- but on finding cute, creative, and AFFORDABLE(!!) outfits. And she's so good at it. As not only my sister, but also my total BFFFFFF, we've spent more than a few
My older sister, Amanda, runs my other favorite blog: Vintage, Lace & Pearls. (I told you I was unbiased!). After getting engaged in September 2012 and deciding on a May 2014 wedding, she decided to chronicle her wedding journey via the intra-net. What's great about Amanda's blog (and wedding) is that she is also a bride on a budget. My parents have 6 children-- we're not all getting $50,000 weddings! But, our parents are fantastic and fully paid for our dream weddings, and with this blog you can see how she turns her wedding vision in to a beautiful reality. It's safe to say that out of all my siblings, Amanda is the most creative and artistic of the bunch. I loveeeee seeing what new DIY project she comes up with to enhance her special day even more (& I can't wait until May to see how it all comes together!).
Now, I don't know fashion and my own wedding was over a year and a half ago (& I can't take credit for that anyways-- I had some awesome help). But, I do know babies and I do know the struggles and triumphs that come with raising your little one. So, that's what I plan on writing about here: funny stories, scary stories, great mommy debates (breastfeed or bottle feed? make your own baby food or buy from the store?), and reviews of the toys and clothes that somehow manage to catapult themselves in to every corner of your home.
If you have any other ideas that you'd be interested in reading about, please feel free to leave me a comment.
But for now, I urge you to get off my blog, grab your little sweetie and give them a smooch. I'll still be here during nap time. ;)
See ya real soon (Mickey Mouse voice),
-Lacey's mama
Your daily dose of Lace:

25656566526526536+ <<Lace's daily blog entry (someone discovered the number pad)
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