Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, New Blog.

Blogging. It's something that I've been considering for awhile now-- while at the same time, had every excuse not to start. I often told myself that I didn't have the time, or the energy, or even the desire to put my day to day activities "on the line." (Internship movie reference, anyone?) In fact, as I sit here typing this, my daughter woke up from her "lap nap," lunged toward the laptop and began typing a blog post of her own.

Finding the time (or in my case,  the energy!) to blog may be a challenge... but the truth is, so is being a mom. It's all about juggling your day to day activities, establishing priorities, making approximately a zillion checklists (and finding peace with the fact that you'll never, EVER check off that entire list), and mostly, about finding the humor in every situation. Because if you can't find a way to laugh when you spend an hour getting your child down for what ends up being an all-too-short 10 minute nap then you're kinnnnda missing out on the fun that is "parenting."

However, one thing that is as certain as the inevitable truth that your baby will always have a larger than life bowel movement within moments of becoming freshly bathed, diapered, and clothed, is that it truly does take a village to raise a baby. And whether your "village" be your sister with the 2.5 perfectly behaved children, your best friend with the handful of loving rugrats, or your mother who's view towards motherhood perfectly embodies your own-- these are the people who will help your find your way through the rummage of sleepless nights, seemingly endless diapers, and non-stop feedings. These are the people who will help you figure out how to mold your own little human in to their best version of themselves.

As for me, I am the mother of a beautiful, smart, silly, cheerful-as-can be, almost 9 (when did that happen!?) month old baby girl, Lacey. When I say that she is literally my entire world-- that's an understatement. She is my everything. I'm 100% overly obsessed with her. And although I am the second oldest of 6 siblings-- and my husband is the youngest in his family-- we are the first to bring a baby into the lives of our families. Of our few friends who do have children, many have moved away or have children who are of an older age bracket-- which means that my "village" of baby knowledge often comes from other mommy blogs and websites (& of course my own mommy!).

So when my younger sister (who blogs over at Luna Vida) urged me to start a blog of my own, I finally decided to give it a try... because if I can help one other mommy find the humor in her hectic day or lead another new mom to score an amazingly cute outfit for her little one at a great price, then why not? And, if I get another excuse to share hundreds some pictures of my cutie along the way-- then count me in!

So pour yourself your (third) cup of coffee and enjoy! Feel free to comment with any questions or ideas you have for me-- and check back soon for more. :)

Thanks for reading,

Shannon (Lacey's mama)

./mk,kl .,mkl.l;kl;,lnm,o;plk,       <<Lacey's blog entry

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